Today we’re talking about creative free writing.  The what, why, and how and it’s something that as a writer and
entrepreneur helped me be more creative, get my day off to a great start and boost my productivity, and I then have a
quick action step for you to take to get started freewriting. So what is freewriting?  It’s also called a stream of
consciousness writing.  So it’s simply a set amount of time in which you write anything and everything that comes to

your mind this could be for five minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour.  Some writers might go a couple of hours. I would
recommend to keep it short, especially at first, but it’s all up to the writer.  Freewriting is considered a prewriting
a technique that can help a writer get ready for a productive period of writing.  It’s a time when all you do is write.  You don’t
worry about spelling, your grammar, or writing an aging story for an audience. It’s not something you’re usually going
to publish. So here are four reasons you should free write.  First, it’s practice. Practice makes perfect
and for a writer’s free writing it’s fantastic practice without having the pressure of having to complete something.
Sometimes it can be really stressful to have a deadline and the day you need to get done taking a break from that, free
writing is a good way to get your mind off that and refresh it.  So number two is overcoming writer’s block since it’s a
practice where you just keep writing no matter what, even if you’re writing about how frustrated you are you can’t think
about what to write about.  It helps you get through that process to kind of talk it the situation out in your mind and
just to write whatever comes to mind.  So number three it creates a routine as a writer or creative of any kind it does
help to create a routine this gives your mind prepared for the day and can also pull out some really interesting things
which is the fourth reason why you should free write which is you might just stumble on brilliance sometimes
I’ve been trying to write about nothing clear my mind free right for fifteen minutes and something comes out that
Spurs five or six article ideas things that I will plan out my skin – right not just due during free writing
it started free writing first set a period of time whether it’s 5 10 15 minutes half an hour I would start small
start with maybe 10 or 15 minutes I usually do 15 minutes when I free write the second step is to turn off all
distractions you don’t want to be playing Netflix in the background or music with lyrics you could put on
something nice and soothing that helps you think creatively but do make sure to turn off distractions and then just
write for that full period of time when the period of time is up you stop writing now while you’re free writing if
you can’t think of anything to write about write about not being able to think of anything to write about that’s
part of the process it takes time and you’re not supposed to deliver any grand writing here this is part of a practice
and it’s a really useful tool so I also will stream my creative writing sessions don’t do it if it’s a distraction I use
watch new work and YouTube it helps me knowing that somebody might be watching me just to keep going no
matter what now it’s your time to get started go ahead and set a timer I find timers on YouTube with a buzzer
at the end go ahead and set it for 15 minutes and get started if you’d like to share what you’ve written please do I’d
love to look it over even if you think it’s nonsense but if not feel free not to share as well but you can post in the
comments below please do also subscribe to the channel for more great tips not just free writing the content writing of
all kinds from creating business tag lines and mottos to writing blog posts thanks for watching this is Michael
